SSC 10th January 2024

School Stakeholder CommitteeWednesday 10th January 2024Location of Meeting: Shillingford / Online
Present: Tom Lowday (TL), Shevek Pring (SP), Robyn Vincent (RV), Beverley Garland (BG), Lynda Cooper (LC), Belinda Berwick (BB), Flo Bessé-Jones (FB), Daisy Thomas (DT), Karen Salt (Note Taker) Apologies: Liz Slade (LS), Jon Breeze (JB) 
Agenda ItemsActionDeadline 
Health and Safety – Nothing reported.  Safeguarding & Welfare – Nothing reported.  Confidentiality – reiterated.    
Actions/Amendments from last meetingKey actions and decisions. FBJ, DT and NY need to submit their PI forms to LS.Action Complete: FBJ and DT have submitted their Declaration of Personal Interest Forms. NY shared information regarding protest dates.Action: NY to send times, locations and dates of protest dates to LS.Update: NY has now stepped down from the committee. Behaviour Reporting Process (NY) – Hasn’t been able to set up a visit yet.  NY has reached out to Dougie and NY will follow this up.  JB – Action: Dougie will phone NY tomorrow (13/07/23)Action Complete. Action: RV to speak to AD to organise Safeguarding level 2 and Safer Recruitment Training for all SSC parent reps.Action Update: RV to contact AD to organise L2 Safeguarding training for SSC Member Action: SSC members to remove names before circulating paperwork in the group.Action Complete:  All SSC members informed of the correct protocol when sending out documents. Action: LS to report to AK and SB – report names as a data breach.Action Complete Suggestion – can we have a part of the website that we can write copy for.  All agreed.Action: LC to look at copy for the website ready for September.Action Update: ongoing.  LC to grant access to the website to FB-J and BB Emails have gone wrong again – all on one line.Action: LS to contact CF to sort out email issues.Action Complete – email issues resolved. NY – Dojo – now that it has gone, I feel less connected.  Miss seeing the photos and interacting with the group.RV – This is free and is something I would like to bring back.Action: RV to discuss with pastoral team.Action Update: RV has asked DS to talk to PTs/parents and ask for their views.  Also talked about Motional and AR.  Motional launch to parents is due to be September 2024. Action: RV to add ‘parent 360’ to the OAK process.Action Update: To be carried forward to next meeting. (SP) Flo and Daisy to have a think about where they would like to visit (not the site with your learner on).  There is a proforma to fill out for your site visit. Action: LS to send out proforma to DT and FBJ.Action Complete Action: JB – System for Governors to identify themselves.  Can we have a Governor Arm Band?Action Update: SP advised that ID cards for all staff across the company are being looked at.  This will include the SSC. Action: LS to contact BB – RSE and PSHE offered to Belinda.Action Complete Action: RV and JB to meet with HR re: Terms of Reference for staff that are on SSC.Action Update: Complete Action: LS to check with Belinda if she would like to Co-Chair.  Agenda point at next meeting to agree the chair.Action Update:  Agenda item to decide chair or co-chair agreement on today’s agenda. Action: RV – Term dates need to go on the websiteAction Update: Complete Action: RV – Solution for windy days was discussed last November.  RV, please formalise this process and share the bad weather policy with parents.Action Update: Policy in place.  Has been delivered by staff. Most vulnerable learners come into site.Action:  RV to ensure that the Windy Day Policy is sent to parents.  Action: All – If an SSC meeting is a hybrid with online and in person attendees, can all learners be kept out of the meeting.Action Update: Reminder sent to all SSC members ahead of this meeting. Action: LS – Can CF Systems add signatures e.g., parent governors to email addresses.Action complete Action: RV will email members of staff with the names of the SSC members.Action Update: This is complete.  However, 2 further members have left so this is to be sent out again when replacement reps have been recruited. Action: RV – to speak to AD re: Governor Training for all SSC members.Action Update: Ongoing.  RV to contact AD re training for Governors.                  
Agenda ItemsActionDeadline 
 Receive reports from:Flo BesseLynda CooperDaisy ThomasHeadteacher ReportPolicy CyclePosition of Chair for the SSCSSC VacanciesFuture PlanningWhat information the SSC would like to see in reports and in what formatNPQLQA DocumentWorking Parties   
ReportsWellbeing (DT)DT highlighted her meeting with welfare officers and had a broad overview of staff on site.  Reported that there have been good and bad points over the last term.  Emotional support for staff with learners has been the biggest demand on their time.Wellbeing resources available on Base CampCounselling can be offered on a variety of topics not just work-related issues.New Welfare policy has recently been published.DT did not feel that she could approach staff as this would create a conflict of issues.  May be a survey would be the answer.  RV advised that SLT are talking about this at future meetings.Q. Are the welfare officers specific to school?A. They are across school.Q.  Are staff aware of the access routes to the welfare team?A. Yes, they are on sites frequently and attend Company DaysQ. What were the morale sapping issues?A. We think that it was challenging learners and staff absence due to illness and recruitment.RV advised that we have appointed a Cover Tutor for 2 sites and will be interviewing next week for a further tutor to cover the other 2 sites.Q. Staff turnover – is this written into their contract that there is a notice period?A. It depends on when the staff member hands in their notice i.e. during probation.  We look at this case by case as notice periods are different.Discussion given to who is told about staff leavers in what order.ACTION: RV to ask the Pastoral team to write a SOP about staff leaving.  Parents asked to take suggestions to DS and to talk to the Welfare Team.Q. What is the background of Welfare Team? A. They look at self-care strategy i.e. stress.  They are both qualified counsellors. Curriculum -FB-JFB-J spoke to HOL (CV) in October and gave an overview of where we are and where we are going.  CV has a good understanding of the ethos.  Staff are beginning to use common language.  Planning time is good as are the opportunities given to collaborate across the school.Feedback to parents on EFL and communication with home discussed.RV advised that reports have curriculum feedback, but the conversation is not as easy with CTs and PTs.RV/CV have looked at P2 and P3 reporting and will be looking at an options process in Y9 so that parents can be involved.  Insights will give the ability to present better reports.Q. Would it be useful to share ADPRs with parents?A. Yes as a parent this would be good.ACTION: RV – ADPRs to be sent home to parents via email with an explanation.  To be sent out by tutorsCPD support for non-educational background staff Q. How is this shared with staff?A. RV advised that we have implemented the OAK (Outdoors Alignment and Knowledge).  New staff work through the OAK to pass the probation meetings at 1 month, 3 month and 6-month.  The OAK also includes looking at short 1m videos on things like check-in.At 6 months staff have to have completed on the OAK to pass probation.Staff are attending the NPQL free courses run by the DfE, and TAs are having training too.  Q. Have we ever advised parents about our teaching and learning?A. No but this is in the pipeline.  May be a Parent Induction would be needed.Looking at TLA, (Assessment).  RV explained that plans are ongoing in looking at Assessment. Pastoral – LCLC spoke to DS about pastoral provision on sites and presented her report.  The only area of concern would seem to be staff retention and morale.                                 RV                     RV                        
2. Headteacher ReportRV asked what the SSC would like to have contained in the Headteachers Report? Suggestions were: – Consistency of planning – this has moved on a lot.Project Based Learning – this is progressing.Literacy and numeracy – needs looking at due to staffing issues.Tier 1 and Tier 2 work with learnersAbsence of QA reporting for PastoralQAStaff absences – this has been due to long term absences being amalgamated with the other absences.  HR have been asked if the absences can be separated.SEND Summary- how compliant are we with the SEND requirements.Future Planning also includes an MDT.RSE and Careers curriculumHeadteachers commentary We are in the process of having a visible scheme of work.ACTION: BB to contact DS re RSE T&L, Careers, Leadership and RSE – 4 school improvement areas Q. Have staff been directed to using CPD for upskilling on SALT?A. Yes there have been resources sent to staff.  We need to have a folder on SharePoint for this too.ACTION: DT to create a file for Sharepoint BullyingThe figures relate to one learner in particular who has since moved sites and incidents have dropped.Headteachers CommentaryTAF Lead Practitioner has been appointed. 7. Comparisons in data and finances, variance in behaviour term by term.  A summary of each group would be more useful rather than a report from each group.  The analysis of what is going on as opposed to the data would be more helpful.The SSC would like to see the data, but the Headteachers report only needs to have the Headlines.                    BB      DT              
6. Future PlanningSP advised that Ofsted have said that if we have further growth, we will have to become a 2-school site.  Directors and SLT have been looking at different models to allow growth.  We are going to be consulting with staff about having a lead tutor model plus another tutor, with 8 learners and an LSA and WLSA in each cohort.  This will provide a progression route for staff.  Q. Is renumeration part of the process?A. Yes.SP explained the thinking behind the new model under consideration.Staff are to be advised of the proposed changes on the 30th of January to form part of a collaborative change.   
POLICY CYCLESP explained the company.Q. Is it helpful to SSC to know about the policy cycle or would you like to just know about changes.A. SP can send a spreadsheet to the meetings containing all of the information.ACTION: SP to email SSC the policy cycle      SP 
POSITION OF CHAIR FOR THE SSCThe 3 parent members will decide who will chair at each meeting  
SSC VACANCIES1 parent 1 staff and a co-opted vacancyBen Slater to be approached about the co-opted vacancy.If we do not have a parent rep by Easter, then perhaps parents can be asked at the parents evening in March  
NPQLRV will be finishing her Executive NPQL in MayDS and CV ae completing the School LeadershipLeading T & L – (SR)Culture & Ethos – (HG)TA Course – (CB) Leadership (BG/AR)NPQH – (DS)Executive Leadership (CV)The courses include 6 days face to face learning, but time is needed to complete the final assessment.Free funding from the DfE runs out in February 2024  
QA DOCUMENTSP has shared this document with areas of the Company and asked if this should be a standing item on the agenda.  SP explained the process.The SSC advised that they would not necessarily need a report about this but that a random spot check or when a visit to school takes place then a request to see the QA document.ACTION: LC asked to sight of the QA document.  SP to distribute.       SP 
WORKING PARTIEST &LCareersRSELeadershipRV explained the purpose of the 4 parties.  Q. Can the minutes of the above meetings be redacted and sent to the SSC?A. Yes  
FUTURE DATES FOR MEETINGSRequest from DT that this is not be on a CPD night  
Other Matters Arising – none.    
Date of next meeting(s) Spring Term:Wednesday 1st May 2024 in person at Shillingford 5pm to 7pm Summer Term:Thursday 25th July 2024 in person at Shillingford 5pm to 7pm