SSC 19th April 2023

Title of Meeting: School Stakeholder Committee Meeting Date of Meeting: Wednesday 19th April 2023Location of Meeting: Shillingford 
Present: SP, RV, RW, BG, NY, BB, LCApologies: None 
Agenda ItemsActionDeadline 
Health and Safety   Safeguarding  Confidentiality   yy/mm/dd
Actions/Amendments from last meeting This is the inaugural meeting of the School Stakeholder Committee (SSC)   
Agenda ItemsActionDeadline 
 It was agreed that we would make sure that Lynda, Belinda and Nikky all got login information for the parents forum area of the website from Matt Ranger.It was agreed that we would look into getting an admin email and user emails for SSC parents and external stakeholders to support their involvement.It was agreed that we would advertise for a clerk for the SSC, and we will advertise for this role from the existing admins at TOGWe agreed that Lynda and Belinda would try to visit sites for a general visit before the next meetingWe agreed that Nikky would try to visit to report to the SSC on behaviourWe agreed that Ross would visit and report on SafeguardingWe agreed that Beverly would visit and report on SENDIt was discussed that external stakeholders would be a useful addition, it was confirmed that Phil Arnold, head of school for Avanti would be a member of the SSC, and that Robyn would reach out to the 0-25 team for representation, and Tom would reach out to Rachel Bragg, and that Lynda would look into whether anyone from the university would be interestedWe agreed that parent members of the SSC would report at the next meeting with suggestions for the parents forum and how it may runWe extended an open invitation for any support groups anyone knows of to use the school sites during holidays for support group meeting venuesWe all completed the declaration of pecuniary interests forms apart from Nikky who took one with her to return next meeting    
Other Matters Arising    
Date of next meeting(s) Wednesday 12th July, 5pm to 7pm at Shillingford